Monsoon Corporate Gifts

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Affordable art your customers can wear

With the ups and downs of the economy, sourcing affordable art is a big concern for galleries. Especially those selling works by new artists. Lately, their clients have become more cautious.

To counter this trend, galleries need pieces that suit all budgets without limiting quality. What can be done? Monsoon has a simple, chic answer. Read on to find out more!

Affordable art ideas for your gallery or gift shop

Have you thought about art-inspired apparel? Monsoon prints contemporary artworks onto personalized scarves and
custom ties. Using either silk or wool, we create gift items for men and women.

We reproduce the original art piece using either silk-screen or digital printing methods. In the past, we have let the works of these artists, among many others, inspire us:

See below for the pieces we created.

In addition to the aesthetic side of our affordable art wear solutions, it’s also a great form of publicity for the gallery and the artists.

There are many perks to art you can wear. The most obvious is pure aesthetics. People will want to sport chic scarves or ties. Wearable, affordable art also serves as ‘free’ publicity for your gallery or gift store. Let your patrons spread the word about your artists as they go about their days!

To create affordable art that gallery or museum visitors can buy, contact us today.