The secret to unique corporate anniversary gifts

When the Anglican Foundation of Canada had its 60th anniversary roll around this year, the organization wanted to commemorate the milestone by producing corporate anniversary gifts, both for sale and giveaway. Specifically, they were looking for something special and different.   “While I had a good idea of what I wanted the end product to look like, I wasn’t sure how to bring it all together,” said Reverend Canon Judy Rois, Executive Director of the Foundation. So, knowing that Monsoon specializes in original and high-quality pieces, the Foundation commissioned the company to produce a custom printed silk scarf for the event.

“Since the Foundation is Canadian and its 60th was taking place during Canada’s 150th anniversary, I thought it would be appropriate for the scarf to include the stylized maple leaf on our logo,” explained Rois. The high-quality scarves, made from 100% crêpe de Chine silk, include a maple leaf creatively integrated into the logo of the Anglican Foundation. In addition to the maple leaf, brilliant colors like fuchsia and purple contribute towards making this anniversary gift unforgettable and stylish. The words “Imagine more” appear on the bottom right, framed by a gold chain-link pattern.

Jaspal Rangi [Monsoon’s Founder] was a superb advisor on design,” she continued. “Thanks to Monsoon’s fantastic staff, the end product is absolutely beautiful and we are having trouble keeping the scarves in stock. The scarves have been a big success. People have purchased many of them as gifts,” noted Rois.

Corporate anniversary gifts come in all shapes and sizes. For high-quality commissions, get in touch with Monsoon Corporate Gifts. Monsoon is experienced in cutting-edge designs for corporate anniversary gifts, so you’re sure to get something special that will make a big impression on your organization.


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